1. Scientists ____ that millions of tons of plastic end up in oceans every year. 2. The ____ required to clean up plastic pollution from beaches is quite extensive. 3. Many communities are seeking alternative ____ sources to reduce plastic use and waste. 4. Each ____ can make a difference by choosing reusable products over disposable plastic items. 5. Pollution ____ when waste isn't recycled properly. 1. Nearly fifty ____ of plastic produced is designed for single-use items, which harms the environment. 2. The ____ behind recycling plastic is to minimize waste and protect natural resources. 3. Plastic pollution has a ____ impact on marine life and ecosystems around the world. 4. Awareness campaigns play a critical ____ in educating people about the dangers of plastic pollution. 5. One major ____ related to plastic pollution is its effect on marine animals' survival rates. 1. Governments can choose to ____ stricter rules regarding the production of plastic products. 2. Scientists continue to conduct ____ on the long-term effects of plastic pollution on health. 3. The ____ of reducing, reusing, and recycling can help combat plastic pollution effectively. 4. Climate change is a ____ that is often worsened by increased plastic waste in the environment. 5. 1. After gathering data, we should ____ with more sustainable practices immediately. 1. It is ____ that plastic pollution poses a serious threat to wildlife and human safety. 2. Many organizations work to ____ better waste management systems to reduce plastic use. 3. It is important to ____ the main sources of plastic pollution in our daily lives. 4. Many cities have seen ____ increases in plastic waste due to population growth and lifestyle changes. 5. The ____ of our current economy often promotes excessive plastic consumption and waste.

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