1) which habit of character do we use when we never give up? a) insolence b) perseverance c) collaboration d) respect e) responsibility 2) which habit of character do we use when we treat each other with kindness? a) collaboration b) responsibility c) respect d) integrity 3) which habit of character do we use when we work together? a) courage b) craftsmanship c) respect d) responsibility e) collaboration 4) which habit of character do we use when we clean up our classroom? a) respect b) responsibility c) collaboration d) initiative 5) which habit of character do we use when we find a solution to a problem without being asked? a) respect b) responsibility c) initiative d) courage e) collaboration 6) which habit of character do we a) craftsmanship b) courage c) Perseverance d) collaboration 7) which habit of character do we use when we take our time to create high quality work? a) Courage b) craftsmanship c) perseverance d) respect

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