Positive Reinforcement: You receive a kiss for brining your girlfriend flowers., Give child desert for eating their vegetables., Someone laughs at your joke. , Smoking a cigarette brings a dopamine release in the brain, which feels good. , Feeling good after volunteering at an animal shelter. , Negative Reinformcement: Taking out the trash to quiet nagging significant other. , Removing a super-wedgie to eliminate discomfort. , Put gas in your car to avoid a being stranded. , Following the law to avoid jail. , No final exam if you earn an A for the class., Being nice to brother to avoid super-wedgies. , Positive Punishment: You receive a detention for being tardy to class. , Getting the stink eye for being on your phone in class when you shouldn't, Snapping your wrist with a rubber ban when you bite your fingernails. , Toddler tasting bitter chemical when they try to suck their thumb. , Receiving a ticket for speeding. , Negative Punishment: Have parking pass revoked for too many absences. , Removing the door from bedroom hinges after child slams it in anger, taking away privacy. , Repo man takes car for failure to make car loan payments. , Teenager loses cellphone for talking back to their mom. , You library card is revoked for not paying late fees. ,
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