1) I didn't enjoy the film.   a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 2) She hadn't seen the weather forecast before leaving the house.  a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 3) He was late for the meeting. a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 4) They were studying for their exams all afternoon. a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 5) Was he working late last night? a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 6) How long had he been working there before he got promoted? a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 7) The old lady had lived in the same village all her life.  a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 8) They had been looking forward to the holiday for months.  a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 9) She only had a few teeth left because *she hadn't been brushing them regularly. a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 10) I wasn't living there in April 2020. a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 11) a: Had they left by the time you arrived? b: Yes! I missed them by 5 minutes a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous 12) Did she call you yesterday? a) Past Simple b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect d) Past Perfect Continuous

Past Tenses

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