runoff - water that flows over the ground surface rather than soaking into the ground, cumulus - Fluffy, white clouds, usually with flat bottoms, that look like rounded piles of cotton., temperature - a measure of how hot or cold something is, whether it is rain or snow depends on the ______of the atmosphere and on the ground - temperature, stratus - low gray cloud forms in layers, sometimes fog that brings rain or snow, nimbo - clouds that produce precipitation, cirrus - wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals that form at high levels, clouds - tiny droplets of condensed water in the atmosphere, precipitation - the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist), fog - a cloud that forms at ground level, water cycle - the continuous movement of water into the air, onto land, and then back to water sources, snow formation - freezing cloud temps, ice crystals fall on freezing ground, evaporation - the process by which water changes from liquid form to an atmospheric gas, rain or snow from large____ clouds is likely to be heavier but usually doesn't last as long as that from stratus clouds - cumulonimbus, the shape and height of certain clouds determines the kinds of ______that falls - precipitation,
Matching Clouds and Precipitation
5th Grade
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