1) When is the first day of Kwanzaa? a) December 26th b) January 1st c) February 14th 2) What does the word "Kwanzaa" mean? a) It's time to open lots of gifts. b) First fruits of the harvest. c) Goodbye 3) What types of clothes are traditionally worn during Kwanzaa? a) African clothes b) Mexican clothes c) Sports mascot costumes 4) How many days does Kwanzaa last? a) 10 b) 9 c) 7 5) What is the candle holder for Kwanzaa called? a) menorah b) candleria c) kinara 6) What are the 3 traditional colors of Kwanzaa? a) red, green, and black b) red, white, and blue c) purple, pink, and silver

Kwanzaa Quiz

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