1) What are the 7 steps of the scientific method? a) make a hypothesis, test hypothesis,  make a prediction, ask a question b) Make an observation, ask a question, form a hypothesis, make a prediction based on the hypothesis, test the prediction, use the results to make new hypotheses or predictions.  c) gather supply, think of a experiment, make a hypothesis, test it, then make a conclusion 2) What is the last step of the scientific method? a) hypothesis b) question c) conclusion d) prediction 3) what does "hypothesis" mean? a) making a prediction on what you think will happen with the experiment b) using your previous knowledge to make a conclusion  c) to gather data d) to write a paragraph explaining what happened with the experiment 4) What makes a good hypothesis? a) A good hypothesis is stated in a guessing form as if asking a question and not a declarative form b) A good hypothesis is stated in declarative form and not as a question c) A good hypothesis is when you get out of shrek's swamp 5) what does experiment mean? a) process of answering a hypothesis b) doing something in a lab c) testing science in the lab d) the process of testing

Scientific Method Quiz

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