Human Geography - Study of people AND places, the why of where, physical map - shows identifiable natural landmarks such as mountains, rivers, oceans, elevation, choropleth map - map that uses shading or coloring to show statistical data (e.g. population), thematic map - map used to display specific types of information pertaining to an area, GIS (Geographic Information System) - map created by a computer that combines layers of spatial data (data is displayed and analyzed into geographic patterns and relationships), distance decay - the idea that the likelihood of interaction diminishes with increasing distance, time-space compression - term that refers to the increasing sense of connectivity that seems to be bringing people together even though their distances are the same, Mercator projection - projection in which the shape and size of countries in the higher latitudes are greatly exaggerated., Absolute Location - describes the precise location of a place using latitude and longitude, Relative Location - the location of a place in relation to other places or features around it, Crude population density - the measure of people per total square land unit, Physiological population density - the measure of people per arable (farmable) land , Arithmetic density (population) - the measure of the number of people within a given area divided by the total land area, chain migration - immigrants who follow family and/or friends to the same destination, forced migration - an individual migrates against his/her will, including events that produce slaves, refugees, internally displaced persons, and asylum seekers , aging population - an increasing median age in the population due to declining fertility rates/rising life expectancy, Demographic Transition Model - describes the relationship between population and the development of a country and can be used to explain population change over time, population pyramid - provides a visual representation of a population in terms of age and sex as well as an indication of the dependency ratio within a country, scales of analysis - analyzing data at a variety of scales (global: in the world, regional: in North America, national: in Canada, local: in Texas), functional region - region marked by a particular set of activities that occur (e.g. Southwest Airlines, radio station, newspaper) ,
APHuG Unit 1 and Unit 2 Review
9th Grade
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