alchemist - a name for people in the past who studied the combination of chemicals, mix - to combine two or more things, mixture - a combination of two or more things, states of matter - different forms of matter that include solid, liquid, and gas, acid - a substance that is usually sour, such as vinegar or orange juice, dissolve - when one substance mixes with another and it looks like it disappears, such as when sugar mixes into tea, matter - anything that takes up space; can be in different forms such as solid, liquid, or gas, particle - a very tiny thing, sometimes too small to be seen, solution - a special kind of mixture where you cannot tell the different parts from each other, chemical reaction - a process where one or more substances form a new substance, property - something you can observe about an object or material, substance - a material that has specific properties, experiment - a test used to discover new information about a question, invent - to create something new, often an object or a way of doing something, carbon dioxide - a type of gas that plants sometimes take in and that animals release when they breathe,
Mystery Science: Chemical Reactions and Properties of Matter (5th grade)
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