Once upon a time, when it was snowing hard a little snow rabbit started to cry. We ____ everywhere but could not see what was making the sound. So we tried to find it by following the ____ of its crying. Suddenly, we saw a white rabbit ____ in the cold white snow. We were very ____ about him and decided to take him home to keep him warm. On their way home as they come out of the forest they meet Mr Crow and he says: 'I'm freezing. Can you take me ____ with you?' So they headed for home with a very cold rabbit and a freezing crow. Just before they got to their road the heard a fox ____ in the woods, we were so upset we asked the fox: What's the matter Mr Fox?' And the fox replied: 'I'm ____ from cold and ____!' We immediately wrapped him in one of our coats and headed in the direction of our warm home. However, while on our way we heard a pathetic little crying sound coming from a ____ of fresh snow, so they headed towards the sound ... and what did they see? You won't believe it but there in the middle of the pile was a whimpering, half-frozen ____ puppy, he was nearly all white, which made him difficult to see in the snow. We quickly scooped up the pathetic puppy wrapping her in a woolly ____ and headed in the direction of our warm home. We were nearly home and as we passed the ____ at the bottom of their garden they heard some faint ____ and turned to see their pond frozen over and a small from calling for help. We popped the sad little frog into our bag and managed to reach the front door, where our mum was ____ waiting for us. While we told our mother about our adventures and our new friends she made us a warm drink and we placed our new friends close to the fireplace to warm them up. We all had a wonderful noisy Christmas together, the ____ clucked, the crow ____, the fox shrieked, puppy barked and the frog croaked while we sang Christmas songs. Then sat round the table and enjoyed a ____ Christmas dinner.

A Short Christmas story by Y7

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