If a genie came out of a bottle and granted you three wishes, what would you wish for?, A famous singer you wish you had seen in concert., Something you wish the Town Council did to improve your town., A foreign language you wish you could speak apart from English., Something you wish a member of your family wouldn’t do., Something you wish had never been discovered or invented., A very expensive possession you wish you had., A quality you wish you had., A famous person you wish you could meet., A sport you wish you were very good at., An aspect of your personality you wish you could change., Something you wish people in Russia wouldn’t do., Something you wish you could understand about people’s behaviour., Something you wish you had learnt to do but still can’t do., Something you wish you hadn’t bought., A present you wish you had been offered at Christmas., A present you wish you had not given at Christmas., Somebody you wish you could see more often., Something you wish you hadn’t done this week., The number of brothers or sisters you wish you had had., When you wish you had been born., A country you wish you had been born in., A country / a city / a town you wish you lived in., What you wish Russian television programmes were like., What you wish Russian television programmes wouldn’t be like., Something you could say to an important person in politics., The mistakes you made when you were young that you wish you hadn’t made., Something you wish you knew how to do..
Speaking: I wish
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