Ecology - The study of interactions within an environment, Species - Organisms of the same type (Species of deer), Autotroph - Organisms that make their own food from the sun, Heterotroph - Organism that consumes others for energy, Biosphere - Global ecosystem of living and non-living things, Population - Group of the same species of organism, Community - Populations that live in an area, Biotic Factor - Living, Abiotic Factor - Not living and NEVER was, Consumer - Consumes other organisms for food (Carnivore, herbivore, Omnivore), Producer - Produces its own food (plants), Decomposer - Breaks down/recycle dead things, Limiting Factor - Factor that controls population size (Space, food available, predators), Niche - Job, CEP (Competitive exclusion priciple) - When organisms outcompete to survive, Keystone Species - Top of the food chain, controls the rest, Mututalism - Both benefit +/+, Commensalism - One benefits and one is unaffected +/0, Parasitism - One benefits and one is harmed +/-, Ecological Succession - Ecosystems rebuild over time from a disturbance, Biomes - Different habitats on Earth (Tiaga, Tundra, Desert, Rainforest, temperate forest, grassland) , Carrying Capacity - Total number of a population that can survive in an area, Nonrenewable Resource - Finite - can't make more, Renewable resource - Infinite - Can make more (Solar), Biodiversity - Different varieties of life in an area, Biomagnification - Increase in pollution in an organism as it is eaten, Deciduous - Trees with leaves, Coniferous - Trees with needles, Biomass - Total mass of organisms in an area, Global warming - Build up of CO2 in atmosphere, pollution,
8th Grade
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