What word might a friend use to describe you?, What do you like to do at home to relax?, If you could have a super power, what would it be?, What is something you enjoy about school?, What is one thing you would change about school?, What is a game you like to play?, What is your favorite food?, What is something you find scary?, If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?, What is something you collect or would like to collect?, How would your friends describe you?, If you could turn into an animal, what would it be?, What is something you are thankful for?, What sport(s) do you play, or would like to play?, What is your favorite memory about somewhere you visited?, Where would you want to go on a field trip?, If you had $100, what would you spend it on?, If you could be famous for one thing, what would it be?, What is something that makes you sad?, What is your favorite genre of books?, What food will you NEVER eat?, What is something that makes you angry?, What is something that is challenging for you?, If you were the principal, what is one rule that you would make?, What is your favorite thing to do outside?, What qualities do you look for in a friend?, What is something you feel you are good at?.
Getting to Know You
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