Santa Anna - president of Mexico, general of the Mexican army, Mexican commander at the Alamo, William Travis - Texas commander at the Alamo, wrote letter that ended 'Victory or Death', Mier y Terán Report - report on Mexican Texas that warned Mexico might lose Texas, prompted the law of April 6, Stephen F. Austin - empresario who was arrested in Mexico for organizing a revolution , Battle of Gonzalez - first battle of the Texas Revolution, fought over a cannon, Sam Houston - commander of the Texas army, leader at the Battle of San Jacinto, Battle of San Jacinto - last battle of the Texas Revolution, Texas victory led by Houston, Law of April 6, 1830 - law that cancelled American immigration to Texas which Texans opposed, Travis' Letter - plea for help to fight at the Alamo, Fredonian Rebellion - first Texas revolt against Mexico, led to the Texas Revolution, 1836 - Texas gains independence from Mexico, Goliad Massacre - Fannin and 400 men executed by Santa Anna after surrendering in battle, Battle of the Alamo - led by Travis against Santa Anna, Mexican victory, all Texans killed, Juan Seguin - Son of Erasmo Seguin, courier of the Victory or Death Letter, Courier - a mail carrier,
Texas Revolution
7th Grade
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