Correct: All experiments should be carried out at least 3 times., Qualitative data is describable, Measuring temperature is quantitative data, The independent variable is the one variable that is changed by the scientist, There can only be 1 independent variable, Controlled variables are those variables that stay the same, After the experiment, data is collected and analyzed, The hypothesis is a cause and effect statement, It's ok for the hypothesis to be proven false , After asking a question, the scientist needs to do background research on the question, The dependent variable is the variable that the scientist measures at the end of the experiment, Evaluating the color of the leaves of the plants is qualitative data, Incorrect: All experiments only need to be done once., Qualitative data can be measured or counted, Measuring temperature is qualitative data , The independent variable is the the variable that is the response/what the scientist measures, There can be many independent variables, Controlled variables are those variables that change, After the experiment a hypothesis is made, The hypothesis is a summary at the end of an experiment, It's not ok if the hypothesis is proven false, After asking a question, the scientist does not need to do background research on the question, The dependent variable is the variable that the scientist changes at the end of the experiment, Evaluating the color of the leaves of the plants is quantitative data ,
Scientific Method
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