Write a for-and-against essay about whether there should be free Wi-Fi at schools in Ukraine., Write a for-and-against essay (at least 150 words) about whether schoolchildren should use e-books at school lessons., In your English class you have been discussing different ways of studying English. Your teacher has asked you to write a composition with the following title: “The advantages and disadvantages of learning English abroad compared to learning it in Ukraine.”, Surfing the net, you came across a forum discussing the increase of juvenile crime. You have decided to write your opinion about that problem. In your text write: if juvenile crime is a problem in our country, describe what kind of crimes young people commit, argue whether young people should go to prison if they commit serious crimes and how much parents are to blame if their children become criminals, We are becoming increasingly dependent on computers. They are used in businesses, hospitals, crime detection and even to fly planes. What will they be used for in the future? Is this dependence on computers good or should we be more suspicious of their benefits?, Imagine you visited a place in your country which you really liked. Write a letter to your friend about it., Imagine you are spending a week’s holiday at an activity camp. Write a letter to your friend about it., Use the plan below to write a for-and-against essay (at least 100 words) about advantages and disadvantages of social networking., Write a letter to a local TV company with your suggestions as to how to improve the quality and raise the standard of TV programmes., While staying in a big city you visited an exhibition of a famous artist. Describe your impressions in a letter to a friend, You’ve just returned from your first lesson of English courses in London. You’ve decided to write a letter to your friend about this lesson and about the teacher., Your physical education teacher asked you to write an essay discussing pros and cons of team sports..

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