above and beyond the call of duty - If a person does something which is ___________, they show a greater degree of courage or effort than is usually required or expected in their job., back-room boys - This term refers to people who do important work but have no contact with the public., brain drain - The departure of highly qualified people (scientists, engineers, etc.) for other countries, where they have better opportunities and usually better pay, busman's holiday - __________ is when you spend your spare time or your holidays doing the same sort of activity as you do in your job, cream of the crop - This expression refers to the best people or things in a particular group., dead wood - The term refers to people or things which are no longer considered useful or necessary., on the dole - A person who receives financial assistance from the government when they are unemployed is __________., dream ticket - A perfect combination, especially a combination of two employees or politicians working for one party in an election, firing line - Someone who is in the _____ is in a position to be criticized because of their responsibilities or the position they hold., get the axe - If someone _________, they lose their job., golden handcuffs - The term _______ refers to a large sum of money or a generous financial arrangement granted to an executive as an incentive to stay in their job, or to ensure long-term cooperation after their departure., golden handshake - This is a generous sum of money given to a person when they leave a company or retire (sometimes given to encourage early retirement)., hang up one's boots - When a sports player ______, they stop playing and retire. (This expression is often used to refer to retirement in general.), number cruncher - This is a humorous way of referring to someone who is an accountant or who is very good at working with numbers and calculations., learn the ropes - If you ___________, you learn how to do a particular job correctly., paid peanuts - If you are ____________, you have a very low salary., play second fiddle - If you play ___________ to another person, you accept to be second in importance to that person, or have a lower position., plum job - A desirable position which is well-paid and considered relatively easy., pound the pavement - To walk the streets or go from company to company, usually in search of employment., separate sheep from goats - Examine a group of people and decide which are suitable and which are not., shape up or ship out - This expression is used to warn someone that if they do not improve, they will have to leave their job., show someone the ropes - Teach or explain how to do a particular job., another string to your bow - To have another skill or possible course of action if everything else fails., tricks of the trade - This term refers to a clever or expert way of doing things, especially in a job., waiting in the wings - If someone is ____________, they are waiting for an opportunity to take action, especially to replace someone else in their job or position., walking papers - If you are given your ________, your contract or a relationship has ended., worth one's salt - Someone who deserves respect because they do their job well., xerox subsidy - This term refers to the habit of using the photocopier at work for personal use.,

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