1) Spider Man is _____(brave) than Cat Woman. a) bravier b) braver c) the braviest d) braviest 2) Hulk looks_____(ugly) than Captain America. a) ugliest b) the ugliest c) uglier d) the uglier 3) My school is_____(high) in the city a) the highest b) highest c) higher d) the higher 4) My sister is _____(slim) than his friend. a) the slimmer b) slimmer  c) the slimmest d) slimmest 5) Captain America is_____(strong) of all. a) stronger b) the stronger c) strongest d) the strongest 6) This teacher is ______(nice) of all a) nicest b) nicer c) the nicest d) the nicer 7) I`m ______(short) in the class. a) shortest b) shorter c) the shorter d) the shortest


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