1) "The river whispered to me" is an example of... a) Metaphor b) Simile c) Personification 2) "My aching bones complained to me every time I moved" is an example of... a) metaphor b) simile c) personification 3) "I had a mountain of homework to climb" is an example of... a) metaphor b) simile c) personification 4) "Every class period is like a brand new day" is an example of... a) metaphor b) simile c) personification 5) "The ocean waves were singing to me" is an example of... a) metaphor b) simile c) personification 6) "There was a curtain of insulated air" is an example of... a) metaphor b) simile c) personification 7) "The river was talking to me" is an example of... a) metaphor b) simile c) personification 8) "The first sprinkles of rain passed over like army scouts" is an example of... a) metaphor b) simile c) personification 9) What color is this circle? a) purple b) very purple 10) "The master was a hard lump of clay" is an example of... a) metaphor b) simile c) personification 11) "The blue skies of Jerome always welcome me back home" is an example of... a) metaphor b) simile c) personification 12) "The money in my pocket was begging to be spent" is an example of... a) metaphor b) simile c) personification 13) What color is this circle? a) purple b) very purple

Figurative Language

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