History Adult ell
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Irregular verbs (simple past)
Atrast saderības
Idioms "Get it"?
Past Simple - Common Irregular Verbs (B1)
Krustvārdu mīkla
Idioms that describe people 2
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American idioms
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Vocabulary Fruit Words
Atrast saderības
Action Verbs
Nejaušības ritenis
Grocery Store Vocabulary
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Republic to Statehood Vocabulary - Texas History
Balonu pārduršana
Declaration of Independence/Constitution
Kārtošana grupās
Verbs in English and Spanish
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Family Members and Activities
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Baby Animal Names
Atrast saderības
"Get" means many things!
Job search words
Historical People
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8.3 Industrialization and Immigration
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Unit 7 - Civil War, Reconstruction, and Constitution of 1876
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Specific detail words
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can/could/able to/ will be able to
SMART goals
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Last Weekend Questions Reg & Irreg
Nejaušības ritenis
Federalists v. Anti-Federalists Review
Balonu pārduršana
Forms/Systems of Government
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World War I Map Review
Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Citizenship History and Civics
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Industrial Revolution
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Unit 2 am/is/are + feelings
Kārtošana grupās
3 Branches US Goverment
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United States Physical Features
Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Primary and Secondary Sources
Kārtošana grupās
World War I Review
Atrast saderības
Thanksgiving True or False
Patiess vai nepatiess
Backpack Verb Practice "To" Find the verb phrase for each sentence.
Atveriet kastīti
Backpack Vocabulary
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The Verb "To Have" Simple Present Match Positive-Negative
Kārtošana grupās
House Vocabulary in Spanish and English
Pakaļdzīšanās labirintā
/oy/ and /oi/
Kārtošana grupās
Numbers 1 - 100
Spēļu viktorīna
irregular past tense CotW
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Ellii Past Perfect Lesson-Exercise 3 Game
Atrast saderības
New United States
Kārtošana grupās
W5 Tuesday - Cold War Cloze
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ESL ADULT -Copy of Daily Activities
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The Reagan Era
Diagramma ar etiķetēm
Ancient China Match Up
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Imperialism Vocabulary
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Industrial Revolution
Pakaļdzīšanās labirintā
Thomas Jefferson
Spēļu viktorīna
Spanish-American War Missing Words
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Numbers 11-20
Saderību meklēšana
Road to Revolution - Chronology
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Kārtošana grupās
ESL present perfect