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5,688 keputusan untuk 'grammar'

Vilket genus?
Vilket genus? Susunan kumpulan
Steps Plus - V - Unit 2 - My School - Articles
Steps Plus - V - Unit 2 - My School - Articles Kuiz
countable and uncountable - dialogues
countable and uncountable - dialogues Lengkapkan ayat
Bien dit! 1 - Grammaire 2.1.1 - Les articles définis
Bien dit! 1 - Grammaire 2.1.1 - Les articles définis Susunan kumpulan
L'ordre des pronoms compléments
L'ordre des pronoms compléments Susunan kumpulan
WH / to be - questions
WH / to be - questions Kuiz
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Benar atau palsu
Past Simple - irregular verbs
Past Simple - irregular verbs Cari padanan
Past Simple - regular verbs
Past Simple - regular verbs Lengkapkan ayat
Prefix and Suffix
Prefix and Suffix Kuiz
Where is the cat? - in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind -
Where is the cat? - in, on, under, next to, in front of, behind - Kuiz
ADJECTIVES: comparative (4)
ADJECTIVES: comparative (4) Benar atau palsu
Senderos 1 - Estructura 1.1 - Los artículos definidos
Senderos 1 - Estructura 1.1 - Los artículos definidos Susunan kumpulan
Possessives (Steps Plus 4, U6)
Possessives (Steps Plus 4, U6) Padankan
Verb to be present tense: is, am, are
Verb to be present tense: is, am, are Lengkapkan ayat
ADJECTIVES: comparative (1)
ADJECTIVES: comparative (1) Kuiz
a - an
a - an Kuiz
ADJECTIVES: comparative (2)
ADJECTIVES: comparative (2) Pasangan sepadan
Present Progressive Verbs: is, are, am + ing
Present Progressive Verbs: is, are, am + ing Lengkapkan ayat
Present Tense Verb Sentences
Present Tense Verb Sentences Lengkapkan ayat
Verb to be past tense: was, were
Verb to be past tense: was, were Lengkapkan ayat
Future Tense Verbs
Future Tense Verbs Lengkapkan ayat
Past Tense Irregular Verbs
Past Tense Irregular Verbs Lengkapkan ayat
Past Tense Regular Verbs
Past Tense Regular Verbs Lengkapkan ayat
Verb to be present, past, future tense mixed
Verb to be present, past, future tense mixed Lengkapkan ayat
Nebensätze Susun kemas
Révision : ÊTRE et AVOIR
Révision : ÊTRE et AVOIR Roda rawak
La construction causative
La construction causative Susun kemas
6C Grammar English File Pre-Intermedite
6C Grammar English File Pre-Intermedite Susunan kumpulan
What are you doing?
What are you doing? Roda rawak
Fall Actions
Fall Actions Membuka kotak
Sorting Nouns and Verbs
Sorting Nouns and Verbs Susunan kumpulan
Possessiva pronomen på svenska [lucktexter]
Possessiva pronomen på svenska [lucktexter] Lengkapkan ayat
Bien dit! 1 - Vocabulaire 4.2 - IL, ELLE, ILS, ELLES
Bien dit! 1 - Vocabulaire 4.2 - IL, ELLE, ILS, ELLES Susunan kumpulan
Bien dit! 1 - Vocabulaire 4.2 - Masculin ou féminin ?
Bien dit! 1 - Vocabulaire 4.2 - Masculin ou féminin ? Benar atau palsu
Subject Pronouns Cloze
Subject Pronouns Cloze Lengkapkan ayat
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Cloze
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Cloze Lengkapkan ayat
Reflexive Pronouns Cloze
Reflexive Pronouns Cloze Lengkapkan ayat
Irregular Past Tense Verb Sentences
Irregular Past Tense Verb Sentences Susun kemas
Simple Present vs Present Continuous
Simple Present vs Present Continuous Kuiz
Pronoun Whack-a-Mole
Pronoun Whack-a-Mole Ketuk Tikus Mondok
Regular Past Tense Sentences
Regular Past Tense Sentences Susun kemas
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