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183 keputusan untuk 'imse'

Prosidy Emoji Style
Prosidy Emoji Style Roda rawak
S and W Blends Story
S and W Blends Story Lengkapkan ayat
nk Sentences
nk Sentences Kuiz rancangan mainan
Find the Open Syllables-IMSE
Find the Open Syllables-IMSE Ketuk Tikus Mondok
Red Word Activities
Red Word Activities Roda rawak
BOOM! Fluency ai
BOOM! Fluency ai Kad rawak
Ending Blends ct,ft,lt,nt,pt,st,xt
Ending Blends ct,ft,lt,nt,pt,st,xt Kuiz
"er" words
"er" words Membuka kotak
-ff, -ll, -ss, and -zz
-ff, -ll, -ss, and -zz Roda rawak
"er" sentences cloze IMSE
"er" sentences cloze IMSE Lengkapkan ayat
er, ir, ur words
er, ir, ur words Kapal terbang
IMSE Prefix 1and 2
IMSE Prefix 1and 2 Cari padanan
IMSE T Blends Sentences
IMSE T Blends Sentences Kad imbas
IMSE Letter T Words
IMSE Letter T Words Membuka kotak
IMSE Suffix 1 and 2
IMSE Suffix 1 and 2 Pasangan sepadan
Cat/Kite Rule
Cat/Kite Rule Ketuk Tikus Mondok
Red Words for IMSE Decodable Reader #10
Red Words for IMSE Decodable Reader #10 Pasangan sepadan
IMSE Assessment: Phoneme Deletion of Final Sound
IMSE Assessment: Phoneme Deletion of Final Sound Membuka kotak
IMSE OG Red Words Stage K
IMSE OG Red Words Stage K Kad rawak
ending t blends IMSE
ending t blends IMSE Membuka kotak
Whack bossy r, all sounds!
Whack bossy r, all sounds! Ketuk Tikus Mondok
/er/ sound:  which one?
/er/ sound: which one? Cari padanan
open the box Read those blends:  st and sp
open the box Read those blends: st and sp Membuka kotak
IMSE Letter Sounds B-Qu
IMSE Letter Sounds B-Qu Roda rawak
Magic  -e Sort with a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e
Magic -e Sort with a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e Susunan kumpulan
IMSE Red Words for Decodable Reader #1
IMSE Red Words for Decodable Reader #1 Pasangan sepadan
OA Bingo Game
OA Bingo Game Kad imbas
Blend Match  (S and W words)
Blend Match (S and W words) Pasangan sepadan
"Er" boom words
"Er" boom words Kad rawak
Magic E - recipe for reading page 104
Magic E - recipe for reading page 104 Kad rawak
 /OA/ Vowel team
/OA/ Vowel team Kad rawak
Prefixes IMSE
Prefixes IMSE Kuiz rancangan mainan
Letter T CVC Word Match
Letter T CVC Word Match Pasangan sepadan
IMSE ow Kad rawak
IMSE -tch
IMSE -tch Pasangan sepadan
Letter H Match
Letter H Match Pasangan sepadan
Imse Prefix 3&4
Imse Prefix 3&4 Padankan
IMSE OU Reading
IMSE OU Reading Membuka kotak
Letter M Match
Letter M Match Pasangan sepadan
Letter W Match
Letter W Match Pasangan sepadan
Letter A Match
Letter A Match Pasangan sepadan
Letter L Match
Letter L Match Pasangan sepadan
Letter G Match
Letter G Match Pasangan sepadan
Letter D Match
Letter D Match Pasangan sepadan
IMSE -t Blends Sentences
IMSE -t Blends Sentences Kad imbas
IMSE Pattern 2 Words
IMSE Pattern 2 Words Membuka kotak
IMSE OU sentence reading
IMSE OU sentence reading Padankan
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