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68 keputusan untuk 'syntax'

Verb to be present tense: is, am, are
Verb to be present tense: is, am, are Lengkapkan ayat
Present Simple and Present Continuous
Present Simple and Present Continuous Susun kemas
Condition Subordinating Conjunction Sentences
Condition Subordinating Conjunction Sentences Susun kemas
Irregular Past Tense Verb Sentences
Irregular Past Tense Verb Sentences Susun kemas
Sentences https://quizlet.com/505979619/flashcards
Sentences https://quizlet.com/505979619/flashcards Susun kemas
Past Tense Irregular Verbs
Past Tense Irregular Verbs Lengkapkan ayat
Past Tense Regular Verbs
Past Tense Regular Verbs Lengkapkan ayat
Object Pronouns Cloze
Object Pronouns Cloze Lengkapkan ayat
Mixed up Compound Sentences
Mixed up Compound Sentences Susun kemas
Verb to be present, past, future tense mixed
Verb to be present, past, future tense mixed Lengkapkan ayat
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Cloze
Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns Cloze Lengkapkan ayat
Verb to be past tense: was, were
Verb to be past tense: was, were Lengkapkan ayat
Future Tense Verbs
Future Tense Verbs Lengkapkan ayat
Present Tense Verb Sentences
Present Tense Verb Sentences Lengkapkan ayat
Subject Pronouns Cloze
Subject Pronouns Cloze Lengkapkan ayat
Present verb + ing Sentences (5-7 words)
Present verb + ing Sentences (5-7 words) Susun kemas
Regular Past Tense Sentences
Regular Past Tense Sentences Susun kemas
Present Progressive Verbs: is, are, am + ing
Present Progressive Verbs: is, are, am + ing Lengkapkan ayat
Syntax Switch!
Syntax Switch! Roda rawak
Like or Not Like
Like or Not Like Membuka kotak
Connect the Compound Sentences using Conjunctions: And, But, So
Connect the Compound Sentences using Conjunctions: And, But, So Lengkapkan ayat
Outer Space - Unscramble Simple Sentences
Outer Space - Unscramble Simple Sentences Susun kemas
Noun, Verb, or Adjective
Noun, Verb, or Adjective Susunan kumpulan
Glued Sounds -ng ang, ing Review
Glued Sounds -ng ang, ing Review Susun kemas
Compound Sentences
Compound Sentences Kuiz rancangan mainan
Syntax Susun kemas
Syntax Susun kemas
Syntax Susun kemas
Syntax: Sentences
Syntax: Sentences Susunan kumpulan
Syntax Demo
Syntax Demo Susun kemas
JavaScript Syntax
JavaScript Syntax Ketuk Tikus Mondok
Syntax ser
Syntax ser Susun kemas
Facts about Asia Sentence Unscramble
Facts about Asia Sentence Unscramble Susun kemas
Unscramble dare!
Unscramble dare! Susun kemas
Diction-Syntax 1
Diction-Syntax 1 Membuka kotak
Diction & Syntax Sorting Activity
Diction & Syntax Sorting Activity Susunan kumpulan
Syntax (Word Order)
Syntax (Word Order) Susun kemas
Chinese 1.2 Syntax Simplified TMS
Chinese 1.2 Syntax Simplified TMS Susun kemas
Diction-Syntax 2
Diction-Syntax 2 Membuka kotak
Syntax with gern
Syntax with gern Susun kemas
Lesson 4 - Playing with Syntax!
Lesson 4 - Playing with Syntax! Padankan
Practice for final - syntax exercise
Practice for final - syntax exercise Susun kemas
Lesson 4 - Playing with Syntax!
Lesson 4 - Playing with Syntax! Lengkapkan ayat
CCLC - Unscramble December
CCLC - Unscramble December Susun kemas
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