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3.031 resultaten voor 'chemistry'

national 5 chemistry unit 2
national 5 chemistry unit 2 Maak de zin af
unit 1 revision N5 chemistry
unit 1 revision N5 chemistry Maak de zin af
N5 Nuclear Chemistry
N5 Nuclear Chemistry Sorteren
Rates of reaction
Rates of reaction Verbinden
Salt or Not?
Salt or Not? Sorteren
Alkanes Quiz
national 5 chemistry - unit 3
national 5 chemistry - unit 3 Maak de zin af
Fractional distillation
Fractional distillation Gelabelde afbeelding
pH Scale
pH Scale Goed of fout
 Блок 3 слова 3
Блок 3 слова 3 Kruiswoordpuzzel
Ionic bonding
Ionic bonding Gelabelde afbeelding
He is/ She is 2
He is/ She is 2 Kaarten delen
Year 10 Atomic structure quiz
Year 10 Atomic structure quiz Quiz
Changes of state RGSHW
Changes of state RGSHW Gelabelde afbeelding
States of matter
States of matter Sorteren
Block 2
Block 2 Kaarten delen
Experiment equipment, chemical process & states
Experiment equipment, chemical process & states Verbinden
Evaporation apparatus
Evaporation apparatus Gelabelde afbeelding
Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil
Fractional Distillation of Crude Oil Gelabelde afbeelding
Chemical bonding
Chemical bonding Quiz
Acids & Alkalis
Acids & Alkalis Verbinden
First 20 Elements of the Periodic Table
First 20 Elements of the Periodic Table Kies het antwoord
Separating Mixtures
Separating Mixtures Verbinden
Elements, compounds, molecules, mixtures
Elements, compounds, molecules, mixtures Gelabelde afbeelding
Where is the mouse? Listen and colour.
Where is the mouse? Listen and colour. Kaarten delen
Organic chemistry
Organic chemistry Verbinden
Particle model properties
Particle model properties Sorteren
acids and alkalis 2
acids and alkalis 2 Verbinden
Флепы 6.1
Флепы 6.1 Kaarten delen
Particles Quiz
How are you?
How are you? Quiz
Chemical names and formula
Chemical names and formula Kies het antwoord
Covalent bonding
Covalent bonding Gelabelde afbeelding
Metal Reactions with Acids
Metal Reactions with Acids Sorteren
Блок 3 слова 2
Блок 3 слова 2 Woordzoeker
Naming compounds
Naming compounds Kies het antwoord
Metal and non-metal properties
Metal and non-metal properties Goed of fout
Listen and number the pictures.
Listen and number the pictures. Kaarten delen
Colour and write the letters.
Colour and write the letters. Kaarten delen
Properties of Metals & Non-metals
Properties of Metals & Non-metals Sorteren
Draw a spider.
Draw a spider. Kaarten delen
Words 1-3
Words 1-3 Kaarten delen
words 4
words 4 Kaarten delen
pH Scale
pH Scale Vliegtuig
Metal Properties
Metal Properties Verbinden
Exothermic & Endothermic Energy Profiles
Exothermic & Endothermic Energy Profiles Gelabelde afbeelding
Group 1 - Alkali Metals Quiz
Group 1 - Alkali Metals Quiz Gameshow quiz
Language techniques
Language techniques Verbinden
Metals and non-metals
Metals and non-metals Quiz
Atom labelling
Atom labelling Gelabelde afbeelding
Modern Periodic Table Arangement
Modern Periodic Table Arangement Maak de zin af
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?