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Английский язык Adults elementary

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10.000+ resultaten voor 'английский adults elementary'

Speaking Elementary
Speaking Elementary Vakjes openmaken
Funny tasks - Elementary
Funny tasks - Elementary Rad van fortuin
Like / don't like doing...
Like / don't like doing... Gelabelde afbeelding
Like doing?
Like doing? Rad van fortuin
Travel objects - SpeakOut - Unit 1.2
Travel objects - SpeakOut - Unit 1.2 Quiz
Speakout Elementary - Present Simple - How often do you...?
Speakout Elementary - Present Simple - How often do you...? Rad van fortuin
Possessive Case - Possessive 's & '
Possessive Case - Possessive 's & ' Sorteren
Countries and Nationalities - SpeakOut Elementary
Countries and Nationalities - SpeakOut Elementary Verbinden
In a cafe
In a cafe Sorteren
Outcomes Elementary Unit 5 Shops Questions
Outcomes Elementary Unit 5 Shops Questions Kaarten delen
would like - like - want
would like - like - want Quiz
Possessive adjectives VS possessive pronouns
Possessive adjectives VS possessive pronouns Kies het antwoord
Superlative strips
Superlative strips Kaarten delen
Outcomes Elementary Unit 5 Shops Collocations
Outcomes Elementary Unit 5 Shops Collocations Verbinden
What do you do?
What do you do? Rangschikken
Possessives: 's and whose it this / are these
Possessives: 's and whose it this / are these Quiz
Английский Kies het antwoord
Английский Quiz
EF Elementary 5B
EF Elementary 5B Quiz
Giving directions
Giving directions Flash-kaarten
Hotel Check-in Phrases: Receptionist OR Guest
Hotel Check-in Phrases: Receptionist OR Guest Vakjes openmaken
EF Elementary. Unit 9C high numbers
EF Elementary. Unit 9C high numbers Kies het antwoord
Technologies Galgje
3 Unit Home
3 Unit Home Verbinden
What do you do?
What do you do? Maak de zin af
Superlatives and Comparatives
Superlatives and Comparatives Quiz
Christmas - verb tenses revision
Christmas - verb tenses revision Vakjes openmaken
English File elementary
English File elementary Rad van fortuin
To be negative - contractions - Present Simple
To be negative - contractions - Present Simple Sorteren
Possessives and Demonstrative pronouns
Possessives and Demonstrative pronouns Verbinden
Demonstrative pronouns: This / That, These / Those
Demonstrative pronouns: This / That, These / Those Quiz
Pre-Int. Past Simple vs Continuous
Pre-Int. Past Simple vs Continuous Quiz
Jobs and Professions
Jobs and Professions Draaitegels
EF Elementary How much / How many
EF Elementary How much / How many Kaarten delen
Present Simple, 3rd person singular - spelling rules
Present Simple, 3rd person singular - spelling rules Sorteren
EF Elem Superlatives Cities Quiz
EF Elem Superlatives Cities Quiz Quiz
How many/How much Elementary
How many/How much Elementary Goed of fout
In the house: rooms and things
In the house: rooms and things Kaarten delen
Past Simple questions
Past Simple questions Rad van fortuin
Parts of Speech sorting
Parts of Speech sorting Sorteren
Time Prepositions In On At
Time Prepositions In On At Kaarten delen
To be - short answers - Present Simple
To be - short answers - Present Simple Verbinden
have to / Elementary
have to / Elementary Vakjes openmaken
Spotlight 6 Unit 5 Do or make
Spotlight 6 Unit 5 Do or make Goed of fout
English File Elementary 2C Imperatives
English File Elementary 2C Imperatives Verbinden
EF Elementary 3B Jobs
EF Elementary 3B Jobs Vakjes openmaken
EF Elementary, 2A, demonstratives
EF Elementary, 2A, demonstratives Kaarten delen
9B food containers elementary
9B food containers elementary Kaarten delen
EF elementary 2B Adjectives
EF elementary 2B Adjectives Kies het antwoord
EF Elementary 2A Things
EF Elementary 2A Things Flash-kaarten
11C warm up elementary
11C warm up elementary Kaarten delen
EF elementary 2C Feelings
EF elementary 2C Feelings Woordzoeker
Food 9A elementary
Food 9A elementary Kaarten delen
EF Elementary 4A Possessives
EF Elementary 4A Possessives Quiz
Elementary 5A verb phrases
Elementary 5A verb phrases Gelabelde afbeelding
Weather 5C elementary
Weather 5C elementary Verbinden
EF Elementary 2B Adjectives
EF Elementary 2B Adjectives Memory
English File Elementary - Speaking
English File Elementary - Speaking Kaarten delen
Alphabet Find the match P-Z Small-big #my_teaching_stuff
Alphabet Find the match P-Z Small-big #my_teaching_stuff Kies het antwoord
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?