accelerate - to go or to cause to go faster/to bring about at an earlier time, altitude - height above sea level or the earth's surface, anxious - worried; concerned/eager; wishing strongly, anxiety - great uneasiness or concern, brace - to make stronger by giving support to/to make ready for a shock; to prepare/something used to support a weak part, bracing - giving energy to; refreshing, confident - certain; sure, confidence - a lack of doubt; a feeling of being certain/trust in another to keep a secret, contact - the touching or joining of two things/the condition of being in communication with others/to communicate with others, exult - to be joyful; to show great happiness, exultant - very happy , hanger - a building where aircraft are kept and repaired, maximum - the greatest or highest number or amount/being the greatest or highest number or amount, methodical - done in a regular, ordinary way, nonchalant - having the appearance or not caring; seeming to show a lack of concern, procede - to go on, especially after stopping for awhile; to continue, saunter - to walk without hurrying; to stroll in a relaxed, unhurried manner, solo - a musical piece for one voice or a single instrument/made or done by one person/to fly alone especially for the first time, stall - a place where an animal in a barn/a small stand or a booth where things are sold/to suddenly lose power/to delay by being evasive,
Wordly Wise 11
4th Grade
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