True: Face the person that is talking., Ask someone to repeat themselves, Ask the speaker to talk into your good ear. , I should wear my hearing aids while talking with someone. , I should ask the teacher to wear their microphone while teaching. , Ask the speaker to speak louder. , Sit close to the teacher so you can see and hear. , Turn on the lights when someone is talking. , Only one person should talk at a time in a group conversation., Ask to repeat what is being said with different words. , It is helpful to have good batteries in your hearing aids. , False: I should turn on loud music while someone is talking., The speaker should stand in front of a window while talking. , The teacher should face the board while talking. , I should stand next to a vent or fan when talking to someone. , I should have background music on while talking to someone., The person that is talking should have lots of facial hair that covers his mouth. , Sit in the back corner of the room during class. , It is easier to understand the speaker if he mumbles while talking., It is helpful if the speaker covers their mouth with their hand. , It is easier to understand a speaker if they are eating while talking to you., It is best if everyone talks at the same time. ,
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