1) I'm meeting Sarah at the cinema at 8.30 p.m. a) Offer b) Instant decision c) We've made a decision, but we might not have the tickets yet. d) Future arrangements  2) Are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon? a) We've bought our tickets. It's organized b) Offer or suggestion with 'shall' c) Future arrangements  d) Asking people about their plans  3) I'm going to phone my mother tonight. a) We've made a decision, but we might not have the tickets yet. b) We've bought our tickets. It's organized c) Future plans and intentions d) Future arrangements  4) We're going to go New York next summer.  a) Future arrangements  b) Offer c) Asking people about their plans  d) We've made a decision, but we might not have the tickets yet. 5) We're going to New York next summer. a) We've bought our tickets. It's organized b) Promise c) Future plans and intentions d) We've made a decision, but we might not have the tickets yet. 6) I'll take you to the airport, if you like. a) Offer b) We've bought our tickets. It's organized c) Future arrangements  d) Future plans and intentions 7) I will do the washing up before I go out, I promise! a) We've bought our tickets. It's organized b) We've made a decision, but we might not have the tickets yet. c) Promise d) Future arrangements  8) It's really hot in here. I'll open the window. a) Offer or suggestion with 'shall' b) Offer c) Asking people about their plans  d) Instant decision 9) Shall I take you the airport? a) Future plans and intentions b) Offer or suggestion with 'shall' c) Future arrangements  d) We've bought our tickets. It's organized 10) We're flying to Miami tomorrow. a) Future arrangement b) Intention c) Promise

S8 - Talking about the future (future intentions)


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