1) You should never be in the Red Zone. a) True b) False 2) I'm yawning and can't keep my eyes open at school, I should_____________. a) Lay my head on the desk b) Find a pillow and a blanket c) Ask to get a drink of water d) Run around the classroom 3) I keep my camera off because I don't like everyone looking at me, I could ________ instead.  a) Complain to the teacher b) Point my camera at the ceiling and at me when I get called on c) Share with my teacher how I feel d) B & C 4) I just got done with my homework assignment and I spilled my water all over my paper! a) I feel disappointed b) I feel fine. c) I feel frustrated. d) A & C 5) I just spilled water all over my homework assignment! What should I do? a) Pound my fists on the table b) Give up, my teacher won't believe me. c) Tell myself, "It will be OK, maybe it will dry overnight" d) Throw it away 6) What does the word "elated" mean? a) Really angry b) Really sad c) Really bored d) Really happy 7) My friend is on the playground and he is crying. I should...... a) Ask what's wrong b) Ignore them, they will be fine c) Offer them a box of tissues d) Ask "do you want to talk about it?" e) A & D f) D & C 8) I'm feeling frustrated on my math worksheet. "UGH, I'm so stupid! I don't know what to do!" a) I should ask for help b) I should stop beating myself up c) I should think positive thoughts  d) I should take deep breaths e) All of the above 9) "I'm cool as a cucumber" is like saying "I'm in the ________ Zone." a) Red b) Green c) Yellow d) Blue 10) "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed" is like saying "I'm in the ___________ Zone." a) Yellow b) Red c) Blue d) Green 11) "I'm about to explode!" is like saying "I'm in the ___________ Zone." a) Yellow b) Blue c) Red d) Green 12) "I'm down in the dumps" is like saying "I'm in the ___________ Zone." a) Yellow b) Red c) Blue d) Green 13) "I'm over the moon!" is like saying "I'm in the ___________ Zone." a) Red b) Yellow c) Green d) Blue 14) "I've got ants in my pants!" is like saying "I'm in the ___________ Zone." a) Red b) Yellow c) Green d) Blue 15) When I'm in the yellow zone my _______. a) Brain is foggy b) Heart beats faster c) I pound my fists on the table d) A & C e) A & B 16) When I'm in the blue zone my_______. a) Heart beats slow b) My brain is fuzzy c) My breathing is fast d) A & B e) A & C 17) When I'm in the red zone my________. a) Fists are tight b) My face is pinched c) My heartbeat is fast d) A & C e) All of the above 18) Adults never lose control. a) True b) False 19) I should be in Green Zone all day. a) True b) False 20) All feelings are OK. a) True b) False


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