True: A few ways to be creative is to see things in a different way or to make something unique, To nurture creativity children need a safe place to experiment and explore. , Using plastic containers for infants and toddlers to grab or shake can help them be creative. , Push toys are a great way to foster creativity, Playing music with various beats or various genres supports creativity. , Random scribbling is a stage of creativity. , A child with a feisty temperament can be fearful of people or situations. , To help children with slow to warm temperaments, telling them ahead of time about events can help limit their triggers. , Each child's approach to learning is different and unique. , The individualized Family Service Plan offers free assessment and evaluation for children birth to three. , Early childhood educators can help foster positive and accurate identities by incorporating the child's culture, beliefs, and practices through the program. , Spending on-on one time supports a child's sense of self., Resilience, grit, and optimism are important for a child's sense of self., Letting children decide what they want to play with helps develop initiative. , Positive guidance builds self-esteem., Children's circumstances impact behavior, Time out can damage children and cause them to think that the teacher or their peers do not like them. , Physical aggression is biting, hitting, kicking, and pushing., Books and puppets can help children to express their thoughts and feelings., Children can respond to bullying behaviors by using "I- messages to communicate, False: Using research to help parents with topics, such as punishment is not needed. , Shared goals are only used when a child has a developmental delay., Time-in violates a child's sense of safety or security., Creating strong bonds with children will not matter if the child has challenging behaviors., Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder do not need structure or verbal reminders in the early childhood environment because it disrupts them., Offering rewards is an effective way to teach children how to behave. , Culture and race are the same. , Educators should not provide toddlers with opportunities to say, "No". , Children do not begin to form their own ideas concerning gender until 6 years old. , Infants' developing emotional skills are only crying., Using instruments from different cultures is not needed in the learning childhood setting., Toddlers at (19-36 months) will not recognize changes in musical tempos, beat, or sound levels., The infant's first exposure to music is within the learning environment.,
Self, Creative and Guidance ( infant/toddler)
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