reflection - when a ray of light, a sound wave, or a water wave bounces off of a surface, longitudinal wave - A wave that moves parallel to the direction of it's path, transverse wave - a wave that moves perpendicular to it's path, wave crest - the top of a wave, wavelength - the length of one wave cycle, trough - the bottom part of a wave, light ray - one specific beam of light, mirror - a perfectly flat surface of glass that reflects 100 % of the light that hits it, angle of incidence - the angle in which a ray of light hits a flat surface such as a mirror, angle of reflection - the angle of a light ray as it leaves a flat surface such as a mirror, amplitude - the height of a wave from the resting point to the crest or down to the trough, sound wave - a wave that moves through air as it is emitted by a vibrating object, electromagnetic wave - a wave that has a magnetic and an electrical component. It can travel without a medium., Law of Reflection - the angle of an incident ray is equal to reflected ray, regular reflection - when all of the rays of light reflect off of a smooth reflective surface, diffuse reflection - light reflected off of a rough surface, refraction - the bending of light as it passes , absorption of light or sound - when light or sound hits a surface and it is not reflected or refracted, transmission of light or sound - When energy goes right through a surface, echo - the refection of sound in a large area without it being absorbed,
Behavior of Waves and Mirrors
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