1) Who is Dora's best friend? a) Benny The Bull b) Lisa The Iguana c) Boots THe Monkey 2) What lanuage does Dora speak besides English? a) French b) English c) Spanish 3) What color boots does Boots The Monkey wear? a) Orange boots b) Purple boots c) Brown boots 4) Dora often goes on a quest that usually helps someone in trouble or to do a good deed. a) True b) False 5) What color is Dora's backpack?  a) Purple b) Brown c) Blue d) Red 6) Dora's map is named Louis. a) True b) False 7) Dora's map and backpack can talk. a) False b) True 8) Dora has a dog named Alexander that helps her get to her destination in every episode. a) False b) True 9) What is the name of the fox who is always trying to swipe Dora's and Boot's things? a) Diego b) Swiper c) monkey 10) Where does the Map stay? a) in Dora's hand b) in one of the side pockets of Backpack c) boots

Dora the explorer



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