1) TOPIC: Pets | Which is ON topic? a) I hate asparagus. b) I love birds! c) Do you have any jello? d) Cows are fun! 2) TOPIC: Pets | Which is OFF topic? a) Do you have any pets? b) I just love animals! c) My dog's name is Rocky! d) My mom loves bread. 3) TOPIC: Food | Which is ON topic? a) I love bread! b) Christmas is my favorite holiday. c) It's raining outside. d) My shirt is itchy. 4) TOPIC: Food | Which is OFF topic? a) I hate asparagus! b) What fruit do you like? c) My mom loves beets. d) My mom loves my sister. 5) TOPIC: Clothing | Which is ON topic? a) I love soccer. b) I have a favorite baseball jersey! c) Let's get take-out for dinner. d) Can we watch a movie? 6) TOPIC: Clothing | Which is OFF topic? a) Do you have a favorite shirt? b) I just bought a new pair of shoes! c) Grandpa is sleeping. d) I don't enjoy clothing shopping. 7) TOPIC: Family | Which is ON topic? a) I just ate a piece of bread. b) My sister likes rice. c) My friend Jill is hungry. d) How many marbles are in that jar? 8) TOPIC: Family | Which is OFF topic? a) I just won $100! b) My sister won the lottery! c) My mom loves me. d) My niece is adorable! 9) TOPIC: Sports | Which is ON topic? a) Did you see Frozen 2? b) My glasses are new c) I scored a touchdown! d) I need a manicure. 10) TOPIC: Sports | Which is OFF topic? a) I scored a touchdown! b) My glasses are new. c) The NY Yankees rock! d) I am not a Red Socks fan.

ON Topic | OFF Topic



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