translation - process of synthesizing specific polypeptide on a ribosome using the mRNA template, where is DNA Found? - in the nucleus , where is protein synthesis? - takes place in the cytoplasm, Transcription - produces a transcript (RNA copy) of a gene this message RNA (mRNA) specifies the amino acid sequence of a polypeptide, terminator - signals the end of transcription, genotype - changes in the gene, phenotype - physical changes that you can see, gene expression - process of translating the information in DNA into function molecule within the cell, three stages of transcription are what - Initiation, elongation, and termination, prompter - a sequence of DNA needed to turn on a gene on or off., RNA polymerase - is an enzyme that is responsible for copying a DNA sequence into an RNA sequence, Activator - A DNA-binding protein that positively regulates the expression of one or more genes; that is, transcription rates increase when an activator is bound to the DNA. (2) A positive modulator of an allosteric enzyme., Repressors - The protein that binds to the regulatory sequence or operator for a gene, blocking its transcription., Coactivators - A protein that stimulates transcription by binding both the RNA polymerase and an activator or activators, without binding the DNA directly. Compare corepressor and DNA-binding transcription activator, Transcription factors - In eukaryotes, a protein that affects the regulation and transcription initiation of a gene by binding to a regulatory sequence near or within the gene and interacting with RNA polymerase and/or other transcription factors.,
Gene expression
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