1) Do you think playing computer games is bad thing? Why or why not? 2) Do you think that using a lot of electronic gadgets at home and at school makes us lazy? Why or why not? 3) Do you think that online transactions and credit cards will ever completely replace the need for cash? Why or why not? 4) Do you think children should be discouraged from spending too much time on their computers? Why or why not? 5) Which websites are most popular with teenagers today? Why? 6) What invention would you like to see in the future? Why? 7) If you were to create an avatar, what would he or she be like? 8) Do you think social networking sites are the best way to communicate with friends? Why or why not? 9) Do you think that the Internet will ever be properly policed? Why or why not? 10) Which technological development has had the most impact on society recently? Why? 11) Which piece of technology do you think will become unnecessary in the near future? Why? 12) Which mobile phone applications are most frequently used by teenagers? Why?



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