expose (v): - to reveal the truth about sb or sth, esp sth bad, overflow (v): - to be so full that things are falling out, the answer lies (phr): - the solution can be found, grab (v): - to snatch or take sth quickly, sliding doors (pl n): - automatic doors that open sideways when a person approaches, freshly-baked bread (phr): - bread that has just come out of the oven, the smell hits you (phr): - you encounter a strong aroma, fresh produce (phr): - recently picked fruit and vegetables, intentional (adj): - done on purpose; deliberate, tempt (v): - to attract sb to sth, resist (v): - to stop yourself from doing or having sth, deal (n): - a bargain, go to waste (phr): - to be thrown away, usually without being used, bargain (n): - sth that is good value for money, tend (to) (v): - to usually do sth,

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