have the super power to fly or to breathe underwater?, have a magic carpet that flies or your own personal robot, have one eye in the middle of your head or three noses, be able to choose the weather you want every day or be able to talk to animals, be able to speak all languages or know how to play every instrument, have a pet dragon or pet unicorn, have three arms or three legs, jump into a pool of chocolate pudding or a pool of strawberry ice cream, live in a mansion in the city or live on a farm with lots of animals, be bald or have clown hair, have mouse ears or have webbed hands like a frog, travel to the past or travel to the future, always be dressed fancy or always be dressed in comfy pajamas, have Chick-fil-A or McDonald's for lunch for a month, have a car that can fly or a car that can go underwater, have a pool or have a skating rink, be the fastest person in the world or be able to freeze time, not be allowed to eat sweets for a year or not watch tv for a year, have a pet pig in your room or a pet skunk in your room, be a master painter or an amazing dancer, have a purple nose or green ears, create a new holiday or create a new language, have an elephant trunk or a long neck like a giraffe, have really small hands or really stinky feet, only be able to whisper or have an incredibly loud voice, eat a whole jar of mayonnaise or drink a cup of hot sauce.
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