1) The set of letters from A-Z is called a) Alphabet b) consosnant c) vowel 2) Letter such as b, d, f, m are called a) vowels b) consonants c) capital letters 3) the letters a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y are called a) consosnants b) silent letters c) vowels 4) The type of letter used at the beginning of a sentence is called a) silent letter b) capital letter c) lowercase letter 5) A group of words that gives a complete thought is called a a) list b) noun c) sentence 6) What are these called at the end of a sentence ??????????? a) period b) exclamation point c) question mark 7) What are these called at the end of a sentence . . . . a) question mark b) period c) exclamation point 8) What are these called if used at the end of a sentence !!!!!!!!! a) period b) question mark c) exclamation point 9) What are these called ,,,,,,,,,, a) comma b) period c) quotation marks 10) What are these called " " " " " " " " " a) period b) exclamation point c) quotation marks 11) What are these called ( ) a) quotation marks b) parenthesis c) period 12) If there is only one thing, like a cat, the word cat is a a) plural b) singular c) adjective 13) If there are more that one thing, like cats, the word cats is a a) singular b) plural c) verb 14) A word that names something like a chair. the word chair is a a) verb b) noun c) adjective 15) A word that shows an action, like the word jump. Jump is a a) noun b) adjective c) verb 16) A word that describes a noun, like, furry cat. Furry is an a) verb b) adjective c) noun 17) Words that mean the same thing, like big and large are called a) opposites b) synonyms c) compound words 18) Words that mean something very different, like, hot and cold a) synonyms b) opposites c) verbs 19) A word that is made by putting two words together like butterfly or pancake is called a a) two part word b) compound word c) silly word 20) The parts into which a word can be broken apart based its' vowel sounds like ta-ble or ther-mom-e-ter are called a) syllables b) sounds c) sections
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