Print - A Mark made by a finger or thmb, Analysts - involves assessing a print to determine if it can be used for a comparison, ALS - Alternate light source a laser or led device that emits a particular or spectrum of light, Comparison - performed by the analyst who views the known and suspects prints side by side, Delta - A point in loop and whorl prints that lies within an often triangular, three-pronged or funnel-shaped structure;, Loops - Prints the recurve on themselves to form a loop shape, Whorls - form circular and or spiral patterns or tiny whorlpools, Patent Prints - can be found on a wide variety of surfaces smooth, rough, , and porous (paper, cloth, or wood) and on non-porous things ( Metal,glass, or plastic, Arches - create a wavelength and includes plain arches and tented arches, Latent Prints - formed when the body natural oils and sweat on the skin are deposited onto another surface, Shoulder - The point of a loop’s recurving ridge where it curves back around., Furrow - A valley or depression between friction ridges., Core - A structure in the print that is the center line or lines of the print; it is important for conducting ridge counts., Friction Ridge - The raised portion of the skin of the print, consisting of one or more connected ridges., Chemical developers - chemicals that react with special componets of latent prints residue such as amino acids or inorganic salts, Cyanoacrylate - A superglue for processing or fuming of a surface before applying powders or dye stains,
Finger Printing
Forensics Science
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