flows north from Africa to the Mediterranean Sea (4,000 miles long) - Nile River, dangerous, fast-moving rapids - cataract, many branches of rich fertile soil where a river flows into a sea - delta, a reed plant that grew along the shores of the Nile used to make paper and other items - papyrus, a bucket on a long pole to lift water from the river into the basins - shadoof, system of writing made up of thousands of picture and sound symbols - hieroglyphics, located in the south along the Nile River; Narmer was king - Upper Egypt  , located in the north in the Nile delta - Lower Egypt, king of Upper Egypt -first king to rule all of Egypt after he unified both kingdoms - Narmer, power from father to son to grandson - dynasty, government in which the same person is both the political leader and the religious leader - theocracy, Egyptian rulers that held total power - pharaoh, government officials that carried out the pharaoh’s orders - bureaucrat, Egyptian god of the sun - Re, Egyptian god of the river - Hapi, Egyptian god of learning - Thoth, Egyptian god of the underworld - Osiris, book of prayers and magic spells to prepare for the afterlife - Book of the Dead, the process of treating a body to prevent it from decaying - embalming, tightly wrapped body with long strips of linen - mummy, enormous structures made of stone that protected the bodies of pharaohs - pyramids, the biggest and grandest of the pyramids; built in Giza for King Khufu - The Great Pyramid, social class system shaped like a pyramid with the pharaoh at the top, followed by the upper class, middle class, and lower class. - social pyramid,

Ch. 5 Egypt - Lessons 1 & 2


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