RAG Status - Traffic symbol indicating the amount of progress on a project., Work Breakdown Structure  - One of the first deliverables in a project (if not the first)., GANTT Chart/ Schedule - Specific way to visualize the work needed to be done for a project. , Triple Constraint - This is represented by a triangle with cost, time and scope on the vertices and quality in the middle., Methodology - This is the framework you use to manage the project., Business Case - This is the fundamental document for your project., Requirements - These are things that must happen or must be produced by the project., Issue - An important topic or problem., Milestone - This is an anchor point on the project management timeline., Stakeholder - This is someone, or a group of someone's, who will be directly or indirectly affected by what the project is supposed to be delivering., Steering Committee - This is a group of people that have been tasked with providing strategic guidance to the project and are there to support the project manager., Risk - A situation involving exposure to vulnerability. , Due diligence - Necessary steps behind a good decision., Keep me in the loop - To let someone be informed. , Cut to the chase - To get to the point of something. , Stay ahead of the curve - Maintain advantage over competition. , Get the ball rolling - To get started on something.,

Project Management Terminology + Expressions


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