What is a DDOS? - When hackers overwhelm a website with many requests/attacks come from computers all at once., What is a phishing scam? - Trick people into sharing sensitive personal information, 90% of the time a system gets hacked because of what? - A simple mistake and not a bug, What 4 steps can you take to avoid getting hacked? - 1. Use strong passwords, 2. Check for authentic web addresses, 3. Install system security updates often, 4. Don't install software you don't trust , What are the four parts of a computer? - Input, storage, processing, output, What company is Bill Gates from - Microsoft, What is a bit - The smallest piece of information a computer can store., How many digits are there in the binary system? - Only two digits, zero and one., How is the number 9 represented in the binary system? - 9 in binary is 1001., How many wires are needed to store numbers from 0 to over 4 billion in the binary system? - 32 wires., True or false: Text, images, and sound can also be represented by binary numbers. - True, Why are smaller computers faster? - The smaller the circuit is, the less distance the electrical signal has to go., How fast does electricity move? - It moves as fast as the speed of light., How many calculations per second can modern circuits perform? - Modern circuits perform billions of calculations per second.,
How the Internet Works 3-4 + How Computers Work
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