What do you do when you want to relax? Why?, Do you prefer to relax with friends or alone? Why?, Is it important to do exercise in your free time? Why?/Why not?, Is it useful to learn new skills in your free time? Why?/Why not?, Do you think people spend too much time working/studying these days? Why?/Why not?, Which sports do you like? Why?, Why do you think so many people like football/basketball?, Do you have a favourite sports team? Why?/Why not?, Is it a good idea to join a fan club? Why?/Why not?, Which sports are more fun to play than to watch?, Would you like to have more school trips? Where would you like to go?, What do you need to take when you go on a trip?, Do you prefer to go on trips with your friends or with your family? Why?, What do you think is the best time of the year to visit a city? Why?, Which do you think is more interesting: visiting the countryside or visiting the city? Why?, What’s the best present you have ever had? Why?, How often do you give presents to people? Why?, Is it easy to choose presents for other people? Why?/Why not?, Which is more fun: giving presents or receiving presents? Why?, Do you like reading books about people with interesting lives? Why?/Why not?, When was the last time you went to a bookshop?, Have you ever bought a book as a present for someone? Why?/Why not?, Do you prefer reading on screen or reading printed books? Why?, Do you think people will still read printed books in the future? Why?/ Why not?, Do you like cold weather? Why?/ Why not?.
B1 Preliminary Speaking Questions Part 1
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