Mr. Benz was ____ attendance when the principal came to the door with a ____ student. I looked up from my seat near the back and saw a kid ____ into the classroom. “Class, this is Eli Tate,” Mrs. Scalia said, and then ____ toward the empty desk next to me. I nodded and gave the kid a smile. Last ____ I had been a new student, and I still ____ that feeling of walking into a new ____ for the first time, with everybody ____ me, trying to size me up and make ____ judgment. Was I cool? A brain? An athlete? A loser? Within a month I had adjusted pretty well. One important ____ for this was Kent, a kid who became my best ____ until he moved away over the ____. Kent had introduced himself right away and made sure I had somebody to ____ with at lunch that ____ first day. At ten our class ____ herded into the gym, but since the P.E. teacher was out, Mr. Benz ____ to run laps. On ____ third lap I noticed the new kid, Eli, standing against the wall. In front of ____ was Tad Scott. As I got nearer, I heard Tad say, “So you lie? I mean ____ name is e–LIE, right?” I ran past them. Maybe Tad would knock it off. Or maybe Eli would tell him to ____ being a jerk. Nobody likes ____ on the wrong side of Tad. He always finds a way to ____ you pay if you do. On my next lap I saw that Tad was still at it. Eli wasn’t backing ____, but he wasn’t saying anything either. Okay, I said to myself, if Tad’s still ____ him when I come back around, I’ll definitely say something. As I came back around, Tad was still ____ Eli a hard time. I ____ and said, “It’s Eli, right? I’m Darius. You want to shoot some hoops? I’m tired of running.” Eli shrugged and said sure so we headed off to grab a ball. “You want to ____ too, Tad?” I asked, turning back. But Tad had already ____ interest ____ was heading over to bother some girls.
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