phone-in - a radio or television programme that people phone with their questions or comments, blog - a website with short articles called posts that are changed regularly, vlog - a video record of news, opinions about a particular subject that someone puts on the internet, current affairs - political, social, and economic events that are happening now and are discussed in news programmes and newspapers, documentary - a film or television programme about real people and events, game show - a television programme in which people play games or answer questions to win prizes, film review - an essay that contains the author's opinion about a film, horoscope - a description of what is going to happen to you, based on the position of the stars and planets at the time of your birth, message board - a place on a website where you can leave messages for other people to read, news headlines - the most important items of news in a newspaper or a broadcast news bulletin, reality show - a programme on TV that does not use professional actors but shows real events and situations with ordinary people, soap opera - a television or radio series about the imaginary lives of a group of people, sports pages - the part of a newspaper that has sports news, talk show - a television or radio program on which guests, usually famous people, are asked questions about themselves, video clip - a short video, weather forecast - a statement saying what the weather will be like the next day or for the next few days,
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