to live up to sth - to be as good as something, to hustle - to make someone move quickly, especially by pushing them roughly, hustle and bustle - all the noise and activity, grand - impressive and large or important, hideous - very ugly, offensive, shocking, high-rise building - very tall and having a lot of floors, affluent - having plenty of money, nice houses, expensive things etc SYN wealthy, deprived - not having the things that are necessary for a comfortable or happy life, residential area - a district where people live; occupied primarily by private residences, rough area - an area with a lot of crime and social problems, run-down - (of a place) dilapidated;, stunning - extremely attractive or beautiful, trendy area - influenced by the most fashionable styles and ideas, up-and-coming - likely to become very famous or successful, to knock down - to destroy a building or part of a building; to demolish(formal), landmark - a famous building or monument that a lot of people recognise. ( памятник, достопримечательность,монумент), to date back to - to have existed for a particular length of time or since a particular time ( относиться ко времени; восходить по времени к; существовать с такого-то времени), to dominate - to be larger and more noticeable than anything else in a place, to renovate - to repair and improve something, especially a building, to steer clear of - informal to avoid someone or something unpleasant or difficult, to house - to be the building where that thing is or where it operates from, to soar - AMOUNTS/PRICES ETC to increase quickly to a high level OPP plummet,

Outcomes Upper unit 2 st'sb p16



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