balancing shampoo - designed to wash away excess oiliness while preventing the hair from drying out, clarifying shampoo - contains an active chelating agent that binds to metals and removes them from the hair, conditioning (moisturizing) shampoo - designed to make the hair appear smooth and shiny and to improve manageability, deionized water - water with impurities removed, dry (powder) shampoo - cleanses the hair without the use of soap and water, hard water - water that contains minerals that reduce the ability of soap or shampoo to lather, medicated shampoo - contains special chemicals or drugs that are very effective in reducing dandruff or relieving other scalp conditions, moisturizer - product formulated to add moisture to dry hair or promote the retention of moisture, nonstripping - product that does not remove artificial color from the hair, pH-balanced shampoo - shampoo with pH similar to skin and hair, sulfate-free shampoo - shampoo without harse soap ingredients, soft water - rainwater or water that contains only small amounts of minerals; allows soap and shampoo to lather freely, strengthening shampoo - shampoo with a variety of strengthening and nourishing ingredients; designed to repair damaged and brittle hair,

Cosmetology Chapter 15 - Vocab 1


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