True: Eternal life is God's gift., Eternal life comes from believing God and Jesus., Eternal life comes from knowing God and Jesus., Eternal life comes from loving God and Jesus., Eternal life begins as soon as we become God’s child, Eternal life never ends., Our bodies die but we are alive with Christ and forever freed from all sin., God’s children enjoy His presence now., God’s children enjoy His presence in heaven. , God’s children enjoy His presence in Christ’s kingdom forever. , Death itself is not good, but what awaits God’s children beyond death is amazing. , False: Eternal life is a gift from my parents., Eternal life comes from church., Eternal life comes from knowing my BSF leader., Eternal life comes from loving ice cream., We will become angels when we die if we know Jesus., Eternal life in heaven will be boring if all we do is worship., Eternal life means that after our funeral we will go to heaven., Eternal life means that all people eventually go to heaven, even if they did not believe in Jesus., We will not immediately go to heaven when we die, even if we know Jesus., If my parents know Jesus and have eternal life, then so do I., God takes His children to heaven to become angels.,
MS/HS Lesson 26 Live Differently: What is Eternal Life?
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