1) Ariana frowned as she stared at the flat tires and taped-up old frame. She'd have to work fast if she wanted to enter the race. First, Ariana needed to borrow some tools. Then, she'd work on the chain and handlebars. For the final touch, she'd add the candy-apple red paint. a) She is practicing to run in a race. b) She is fixing up her bike. c) She is painting a picture. 2) Carrie's feet throbbed. She'd hurried from the kitchen to the dining room so many times it felt as though she'd run ten miles. It didn't help that she'd kept forgetting cream for the coffee and jam for the toast. To top it all off, her new uniform was stained. a) She just started working in a restaurant. b) She has a big family to feed. c) She loves to run long races. 3) If the neighborhood school needs a substitute coach, who do they call? Mr. Navarro! After a snowstorm, who shovels the neighbors' steps? Mr. Navarro! And when stray animals are hungry, where do they go? Mr. Navarro's porch! a) Mr. Navarro loves snow storms. b) Mr. Navarro is a great coach. c) Mr. Navarro is always willing to help. 4) Eve chuckled when she saw the sign outside the gas station. "I'm not sure that I'm in the mood for 'cod drinks' on such a warm day," she said. "Maybe I'll just get a 'hot og' with ketchup and mustard, or an ice cream with 'ot' fudge.""You have to go back two spaces," Scott said. a) The sign is missing some letters. b) Eve is traveling in a foreign country. c) Eve has never seen a sign at a gas station. 5) Small pebbles rattled in the pan as the babbling water washed the dirt away. Nothing, Wayne sighed to himself. He scooped up some more rocks. Maybe it was time to give up. As the dirt flowed away, Wayne's heart began to pound. What was that, shining at the bottom of the pan? a) Wayne is washing camp dishes. b) Wayne is cleaning is rock collection. c) Wayne is hoping to find gold. 6) Gavin was different from most kids his age. Gavin could listen to disco music from the '70s all day. In his bedroom, he had a working pay phone from the '50s. He even owned a three-piece suit from the '20s. a) Gavin loves older things. b) Gavin only likes one kind of music. c) Gavin doesn't have a cell phone. 7) Finn swung the stick. He heard the whoosh of air, and his friends' laughter. Finn swung again. More air, more laughter. On the third swing, he heard a loud thump. Finn ripped off his blindfold. The piñata was still in one piece, but the tree's bark had a big dent in it. a) Finn is not swinging hard enough. b) Finn hit the tree instead of the pinata. c) The pinata is too hard to break. 8) Kenji looked at the game clock and frowned. How were there still two minutes left in the game? He drummed his fingers on the bleachers and looked around at the players on the football field. Yawning, Kenji looked up at the game clock again. Still two minutes left. Ugh. Why had he left his book in his car? a) Kenji is at a boring football game. b) Kenji is worried about being late. c) Kenji is a drummer. 9) Joy flipped the light switch off and on, but the lamp didn't turn on. The TV wouldn't turn on, either. Joy looked out her window. All of the other houses had dark windows even though it was dinner time. a) Everyone is out for dinner. b) The power is out on Joy's street. c) Joy forgot to pay her electricty bill. 10) Preston was used to his legs hanging off the end of his bed. He didn't mind pants that hit him above his ankles and shirt sleeves that barely went past his elbows. But having to duck under doorways was hard to get used to. a) Preston's bed is broken. b) Preston is very tall. c) Preston doesn't like to go shopping.
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