halo braids - two or three long, simple, inverted, thick cornrows created around the head, single braids - free-hanging braids, with or without extensions, that can be executed using either an underhand or an overhand technique; also known as box braids or individual braids, invisible braid - a three-strand braid that is produced with an overhand technique; also known as inverted braid or French braid, natural hairstyling - hairstyling that uses no chemicals or dyes and does not alter the natural curl or coil pattern of the hair, underhand technique - a technique in which the left section goes under the middle strand, then the right section goes under the middle strand; also known as plaiting, wave pattern - the coil configuration of textured hair, steamer - used to deeply hydrate, moisturize, and condition the hair with water vapor, textured hair - hair with a tight coil pattern, twisting - a rope effect on individual sections of hair made with a double stranded twist technique done by overlapping two strand sections of hair to form a candy cane effect, visible braid - three-strand braid that is created using an underhand technique, overhand technique - a technique in which the first side section goes over the middle one, then the other side section goes over the middle strand, rope braid - braid created with two strands that are twisted around each other, weaving - hair extensions on a weft are sewn or bonded onto a cornrow base to make a longer, fuller head of natural-looking hair, fishtail braid - simple two-strand braid in which hair is picked up from the sides and added to the strands as they are crossed over each other,
Cosmetology Chapter 18 - Vocab 1
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